Mandatory Pick 3 Raffle Information
In order to simplify the administration of this important fundraiser, we have included it as part of the player registration fee. Each parent in the league is required to sell three $25 Pick 3 Raffle tickets per registered player.
With our family cap on registration fees, the most tickets any family will get is 6. If you register more than 2 kids you do not get any more tickets! If you sell your tickets, you keep the money and in effect reduce your registration costs.
Each raffle ticket is good throughout the season and mirrors the actual NJ Pick 3 drawing.
2024 Dates - April 8th to June 29th
Weekday Prize $50
Saturdays Prize $100
Finale Day June 29, 2024 - $1,000!!
The profits from this long-running successful fundraiser will pay for MOST of our umpire costs throughout this season. Each parent in the league is required to sell a minimum of three Pick 3 Raffle tickets per registered player.
For additional Information please contact:
Nicole Costa - [email protected]